Monday 2 December 2013

Catch up: November/December

November flew by so fast, and before I knew it December had sneaked up on me.  So, what happened in November? I decided to take part in NaNoWrimo, and wrote Fate and Other Coincidences, and boy, What a ride! Aiming to hit the 50k mark was such a wonderful adventure.

The first week I was full of energy. The story was clearly mapped out in my head, and on paper. This was me on that first day.

supernatural gifs photo:  hellsyeah_zps7787fddd.gif   

I managed to write about 13k words, then something happened. I just...stopped. I couldn't write anymore, and I'm not sure why that happened. So I started to procrastinate, and when I wasn't working my full-time job, I curled up on the sofa watching Telly and doing something similar to this...

supernatural gifs photo: Where's the pie? pie2-dean_zps4fc865c8.gif

Third week whacked me on the head so hard I finally woke up from my 'writing coma'. I decided to reread my story again to try and get that mojo back. And finally when everything clicked together I was like.. 

supernatural gifs photo:  ohyou.gif


  supernatural gifs photo: Dancing tumblr_inline_mulhinOTpR1rmduop.gif
 So the last one and a half weeks in November became a marathon of sorts. To keep myself from crumbling in a heap on the floor, trying to catch up with the wordcount, I'd pep-talk myself and really mean these words:

supernatural gifs photo: I think I'm adorable 2 tumblr_mw61fdvYZb1sqeq3do1_250.gif

 By 29th I had about 47k words in my proverbial bag, and by midnight, I was done! imagine my joy!  I decided to do a 'Singing in the Rain' dance move. and also. click my heels Dean's style--I've always wanted to do that, and this seemed like a very good time to try it out. :D

 supernatural gifs photo: Dancing Dean dance-1.gif

It wasn't enough, so I thought, why not try something crazy, you know. Get down and dance it out of my system

supernatural gifs photo: Dancing jensengettingdown.gif

So that was my November. Told you it was pretty wild. :) I'm trying to catch up with A Need So Insatiable edits. I decided to revamp the cover. The cover rereveal is scheduled for 16th December, and is being organised by  the über-awesome Kylie of Give Me Books. After that, I'll start outlining Cloaked Devices #1. I haven't come up with a suitable title for the book, but ... yeah. I'm looking for a word that stars with 'H', so if you have an idea, please, please help me out here.
 Christmas is around the corner which means it's time for me to work on my shopping list, hunt down a Christmas tree and have fun decorating it with my kiddies. Oh, and try to be a good girl so Santa can give me something I've been wishing for. :)

So how was your November? How's your December coming along?


  1. LOL I love your gifs! It was fun to read about your month this way. :D Congrats on finishing NaNo!

    1. lol.. thank you, Julie! I love them too. They really help express how I'm feeling, when words can't :D

  2. I'm sorry, did you say something? I was busy staring at Jensen. ;)

    I'm glad you found your writing mojo.

    1. lol,, I know, right? It took me a while to finish this post, cos I kept going back to stare at him. Thanks, for a moment there I thought I'd never finish NaNo.

  3. Congrats on NaNo!! That's awesome :) And your gifs are totally stare-worthy! Too bad I ate all my pie...

    1. Thanks, Mer. :) I'm getting the hang of using gifs, so funny! I think I was late requesting that pie, next time I'll make sure I do it earlier..hahaha

  4. You basically did NaNo in three weeks! That's awesome - congrats!! I like "Cloaked Devices" as a title. You sure have a lot of projects in the works. I have projects too, I'm just not working on them! lol Good luck Cecilia! :-)

    1. I did! I'm trying to recover by watching lots of TV and drinking tea--no more coffee. Yeah, I'm intending to slow down with the projects, at least have some reading time. Thank you!! I really love 'Cloaked Devices' title. :)

  5. Three cheers for making the NaNo deadline.
    My November had some good writing moments. Got in a few short stories. But I also did some reading and a lot of watching Dean and Sam. Oh yeah...Dean and Sam. The word "yummy" comes to mind :-)

    1. Thanks, Angela! :) YAY for the short stories, reading and definitely for watching Dean and I haven't done a lot of reading recently, I'm quite sad about that, but will try to juggle everything better starting January.

  6. Congrats for making the deadline! I was sprinting like crazy on that last day to finish (wrote almost 8k on Saturday). Love the gifs!

    1. Thanks, Cherie! :) The sprinting is fun, isn't it? It's like the world is ending and you're trying to grab the seams that holds it together, and when you finally succeed, it's the sweetest feeling. Ever! The gifs are so much fun! Thanks for stopping by, Cherie :)

  7. Woo-hoo! Congratulations for completing NaNo! :) Oh, if I could do Dean.... style. I meant Dean style too. Yup. I'm doing all the Christmas preparations too. Almost 100% done with the shopping after today's Cyber deals and the only decorating left is to chop down a tree and bring it home. :) Hope you have fun getting reading for the holidays with your kids.

    1. Thank you, Christine! I did the 'Dean style' in my head. ..LOL My legs are too short.. hahaha Ooooh, you're doing great on the Christmas preparations department. I'm still waiting to buy a tree, it's going to be fun! And thank you for the wishes. :)

  8. What a month CeCe! Glad you survived, but the gifs are hilarious.

    1. lol.. I survived alright. I just need a week to empty my mind, and I'll be on the road again. I'm with you about the gifs, especially Supernatural gifs. So funny
