Tuesday 11 June 2013

Read.Set. Write. Summer of Writing

Hope ya'll doing great. It's been a while since I wrote a real post. I'm still moving my stuff to the new flat. My current flat looks, well, horrible! I didn't realise I had accumulated so much stuff accumulated over the years. haha Did I compare myself to a squirrel gathering nuts for winter? Anyhow, I should be through and settled in by the end of this month. Yay! :D

So I've decided to join the Read.Set.Write Summer Intensive hosted by Allison Miller Elodie Nowodazkij Erin Funk Jaime Morrow and Katy Upperman.  Thank you ladies for this wonderful idea!

The summer of writing starts today and runs for about two months. Anyone can join, whether you're starting a new WIP or revising.  This is a two-month writing intensive for writers. Every week on Wednesdays we'll check in on What's Up Wednesday in a post sharing what you've accomplished towards your writing so far, and set new goals.

I love this idea! Imagine all the encouragement (and I do need encouragement at times because writing is fun, but not easy), support and encouragement from writers who are doing the same thing as you are? Who understand the pressures of life, and combining that with writing?  It rocks, right?

 If you are interested in joining please visit Allison, Elodie, Erin. Jamie or Katy's websites. Follow the linky list and voila!

Oh and there will be twitter writing/revising parties. Hashtag #ReadySetWrite.  It doesn't get better than that, right? :)

Hope to see you there! :)

1 comment:

  1. Glad the move is progressing. It's always interesting to discover what you've kept over the years lol!

    Although I won't be joining the writing intensive, I will be writing a lot due to self-imposed deadlines I need to make or beat.

    So I'm writing intense with you!
