Tuesday 27 November 2012

Hello friends,

Thank you for taking part in the INDIE-giving Blogfest. I apologise for not posting the winners sooner. So, here are the winners in order as per Rafflecopter.

Becca Fowler--1 ecopy Reaper's Novice
Kassandra Fuentes--1 ecopy Reaper's Novice
Ashfa Anwer--Book of choice  $15  from Book Depository

I will email you later on today.

Once again, thank you for taking time to visit my blog and enter the giveaway. :)



  1. Congrats winner! Enjoy the love. :-)

  2. Congrats to the winners!
    I just wanted to say I LOVE the quote from Garrison Keillor about churches and garages. Too funny! :-D
