Monday 25 June 2012

Sometimes Mondays can feel like

But don't let that nail you down. 4 more days to the weekend. That's great right?

Disco Kitty, Awww Yeah

Hope your Monday is going great, though.  

My weekend was quite busy. On Friday my youngest, Alyssa, and my oldest, Donell had summer parties in both their schools, so we had to attend Alyssa's first  then Donell's. Later on,  the kids took a ride on the canoe down the Donau river channel. I opted to keep my distance from that vast amount of  water. Even though they had swimming vests and everything, plus the water level was just above my knees, I was very distrustful of those rocking canoes, in case, they spilled me into those waters.

(that's Aly and Don in the middle)

Annnddd my son turned fourteen on Saturday. He had over ten friends from school come over, and so you can imagine how busy it was trying to satiate 10 hungry adolescent boys. Thank goodness the weather was super-fine and they took care of entertaining themselves outside in the garden.

By the time I was leaving for work for my afternoon shift everyone was fully watered and fed, save for Mellie, our dog,who was frustrated and excited and thirsty all rolled into one. Lots of activities and new faces popping in and out of the flat. Plus the heat was just too much for her.

I managed to write at least 1500 words from my WIP in the midst of all that was happening, and I'm really proud of myself for that. yay! :) 

How was your weekend? Did anything special?


  1. wow! You got such a lot done :) Have a great weekend this weekend.

  2. Yeah..haha. It was crazy weekend. With kids running around, it's ALWAYS like that. Great sunday to you, Kate!
