Tuesday 3 April 2012

C is for Colour (Your World)

Colours brighten our lives,  giving them life and pull us away from the bleak of gray and black.Colouring your world can be anything you choose to do. I believe everyone has a way or method they apply colours in their on world. Something to take you away from the mundane, splash it with vibrant, eye popping colours. I believe this is important to help us maintain our sanity and to relax. Life is all about how you handle it. Imagine just having a day where you wake up, shower, eat break fast, go to work, come back home, eat, go to bed. Every day. Nothing more and nothing less. It would be exhausing ,wouldn't it?

So how do I colour my world? 

There are so many things I do to bring vibrancy in a life that would otherwise be boring. I'll name a few. I surround myself with things I like and enjoy doing. For example: Due to my profession (I am an assistant nurse) and the working times which can be quite challenging in terms of spending time with my kids, I snatch whatever time I get to spend time with my lovelies (That's Alyssa up there. She is seven. The other is my 14 year old son, Donell. At the moment he  has a certain aversion to photos. I guess that has something to do with being 14.. :D Everything is irritating all of a sudden. Both Ally and Donell are right up there with the other colours of my rainbow.)

I go dancing with some friends, attend balls during the ball season here in Vienna, take Archery classes( very relaxing and helps in concentration. Besides it helps me with my back problems). I read a lot, love going for strolls in the city (a ride on the horse -pulled carriages), stare at photos of castles the whole day..LOL (I have a folder full of those :D ),

How do you Colour your world?


  1. I like to wear black, but never without a colourful coat, scarf, necklace, bracelets - something! I like colourful furnishings and pictures too - being in a house where everything is pale or beige (take my mother in law's for example..!)makes me feel stifled! Great post - Vienna is my V in the alphabet, but I've never been there!

  2. I recently went to Vienna but it was only for a day, as I was staying in Budapest. I was blown away by the buildings alone and it seemed so lovely. I definitely intend to go back - travel adds colour as does spending time with my three nieces (7mths, 3yrs, 6yrs).

  3. This was a lovely post! I agree with you about the importance of colouring our worlds. Blogging is doing that for me at the moment, especially with this challenge - I'm learning so many new things each day and 'meeting' so many lovely new people :)

    My family and friends also colour my world, as well as just doing little, simple things each day that make me smile!

    My sister is called Alyssa too, it's a beautiful name!

    Have a colourful Tuesday! Thank you for following me :)

    Nikki – inspire nordic

  4. @LindaK - hahha oh, the mother in laws! Mine was no better so I share your pain..haha. Oh, I'm looking forward to reading your Vienna post. It is a beautiful place. :)

  5. @Kate - Oh, gosh I wish we'd have known each other then. MAybe we'd have met up for coffee. :) You are right. Vienna has some of the most beautiful buildings, and quite old at that. Oh, probably we can meet when you visit? would be nice :)

  6. Hi Cece! I just discovered your blog through the A-Z and I'm so glad I did. I love the idea of coloring our world, you are so right that life would be so boring otherwise. How interesting that you live in Vienna! I've never been but hope to make it someday.

    Great to meet you. And, your daughter is adorable! :)

  7. @Nikki - THank you Nikki. Alyssa, such a beautiful name isn't it :D You are right about blogging. I'm enjoying it as well. :)

  8. Hi Julie, It's great to meet you :) Thanks for the compliments about my daughter. Oh I hope you visit Vienna one day. It's just beautiful. :)
