Monday 5 December 2011

The Day the Sun Stopped Shining Blog Tour 2011

The moon blinked out, no star in sight.
We waited for the sky to brighten with the dawn’s glorious light, 

We waited for the sun to rise from the East, 
Everything was gloom, dark intensified,
Shadows slithered, and merged with the inky blackness that was dawn
An owl hooted, and somewhere close by a bat fluttered it’s wings,
Heart beat racing, barely able to breath, 
we finally accepted it as predicted
The day was finally here.

The Day The Sun Stopped Shining

Are you a fantasy, paranormal, horror or science fiction writer? Please join us. Go to Women's Literary Cafe for information and sign up for the tour.

Do you enjoy reading paranormal, fantasy, horror or science fiction? Please follow the tour and mingle with the authors, meet the characters, and have fun. There will be contests, prizes to be won.

The Blog Tour starts on 26.12.11 midnight and ends on 31.12.11 Midnight. 

It's better the sun stops shining while you are doing something you love, right?


  1. Hi Alesha, Oh, yes it is. I have a feeling we'll have a blast! Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

  2. It's a pleasure to tour with you, CeCe.

  3. Thank you, Dicey. I'm excited about the tour and look forward to meet wonderful authors and fans of all things paranormal, fantasy, sci-fi and dystopian
